担当:ビジネス・ソリューション 田尾、高橋
“art handbook” was in charge of the public relations director of “Yanbaru Arts Festival 2017 -2018” and provided advisory services on the management of the festival.
“art handbook” was the PR director for the “Yanbaru Arts Festival 2017 -2018” held from December 9, 2017 to January 8 in the Yanbaru region of northern Okinawa, and provided advisory services on the management of the festival.
The Yanbaru area is a mysterious area called “Galapagos of the Orient” with primitive scenery. The unique culture of handicrafts, crafts, rituals, and food has been preserved there since ancient times. An art festival is held in Yanbaru, a primitive place. A wide range of contemporary art, design, video, music, traditional textiles and ceramics were exhibited in the two categories of “exhibition” which focuses on contemporary art, and “Kraft” which focuses on crafts. The festival has been extended with a good reputation. Despite its success, it has been decided that it will be held again next year.
In addition to the Editor in Chief Iwabuchi serving as an advisor, “art handbook” produced PR graphics and venue brochures, managed websites and SNS, and coordinated some artists.
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