担当・ビジネスソリューション 田尾、高橋
Bijutsu Shuppansha was in charge of planning and producing ‘Taito bird’s-eye view’, a public relations magazine first launched in 2018 that allowed students to discover a new aspect of Taito from the perspective of culture and art.
The first issue reviewed the area of Taito with the theme of “Hashi (Kiwa)” and explored how the Ueno plateau, which had been formed in ancient times, and the flat land extending eastward connected to modern town planning and shops to build up the “Culture”.
Okojima ・ Maki
Born in Tokyo in 1987. Completed the master’s course at the Graduate School of Joshibi University of Art and Design in 2011. Major awards include the Tokyo Wonder Wall Award (2009) and the VOCA Incentive Award (2014). Major exhibitions in recent years are “Birds, sing the song of the earth with my bones.” (Daiichi Seimei Gallery, Tokyo, 2015), “The beginning of the story is the mixture of pictures and words.” (Ota City Art Museum/Library, Gunma, 2017), “Sleep of the universe, blood vessels of the earth” (Fuchu City Art Museum, Tokyo, 2017), “Agros Art Project Tomorrow’s Harvest” (Aomori Prefectural Museum of Art, Aomori, continuing since 2017), etc. In addition, he participated in the project of the marine research vessel Tara sponsored by Agnes B, made original drawings of all 88 constellations in the planetarium of Tama Mutoh Science Museum, dedicated ceiling paintings to Minamisawa Hikawa-jinja Shrine, etc.
Other Works
「MOTアニュアル2020 透明な力たち」展公式図録の編集・デザインを、美術出版社デザインセンターが担当した。 若手作家の作品を中心に、現代美術の一側面を切り取り、問いかけや議論のはじまりを引き出すグ...
静岡市美術館開館10周年を記念して開催された「生誕110年・没後30年 絵本画家・赤羽末吉展『スーホの白い馬』はこうして生まれた」公式図録の編集・デザインを、美術出版社が担当した。
ジェトロのクールジャパン海外需要開拓プログラム「TAKUMI NEXT 2020」に採択された事業者・商品を紹介するカタログを制作しました。