美術手帖 ✕ VOLVO ART PROJECT 第9弾 秋山 さやか「つづれつづる」開催 | 株式会社美術出版社|アートを社会に実装させる
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美術手帖 ✕ VOLVO ART PROJECT 第9弾 秋山 さやか「つづれつづる」開催

「美術手帖×VOLVO ART PROJECT」の第9弾として、美術作家・秋山さやかによる展示企画「つづれつづる」が2月19日〜27日にボルボ スタジオ 青山で開催。



会期:2019年 2月19日(火)〜27日(水)

会場:ボルボ スタジオ 青山


秋山さやか|Sayaka Akiyama

兵庫県生まれ 神奈川県在住。2001年女子美術大学美術研究科修士課程修了。主な展覧会に「さいたまトリエンナーレ2016」(さいたま市)、「日産アートアワード2015」(BankART Studio NYK、横浜)、「始発電車を待ちながら」(東京ステーションギャラリー、2012年)、「ベルリン―東京」展(ベルリン新国立美術館、2006年)、「art-life vol.1 秋山さやか/MOTOKO展 speed&slow」(スパイラルガーデン、東京、2003年)、「The J-WAY」(リドマールホテル、ストックホルム・スウェーデン、2000年)など。主な作品収蔵先に、東京都現代美術館、サンドレット・レ・レバウデンゴ財団美術館(イタリア)など。

担当:ビジネス・ソリューション 田尾、室田

Art handbook and Volvo ART PROJECT 9th episode Sayaka Akiyama “spell” held

As the ninth exhibition of “Art handbook × Volvo Art Project”, “spell”, an exhibition by artist Sayaka Akiyama, was held from February 19 to 27th at Volvo Studio Aoyama.

Akiyama is known for his style of expressing the feelings, experiences, and encounters that he has experienced while traveling in various places both in Japan and abroad in colorful stitches. In addition to his works in which colorful threads are sewn into maps, he has presented works that strongly reflect the relationship between self and place, such as letters he sent from his travels and installations using locally collected materials. With Volvo, who deals with cars, his travel partner, and Akiyama, who continues to produce his work while traveling. In this exhibition, which is the result of a collaboration between the two who share a common theme of “travel,” we exhibited old works related to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, the birthplace of Volvo, as well as new works based on a trip to Taiwan and a stay in Toyama.

■About the exhibition
Session: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 – 27th (Wed)
Venue: Volvo Studio Aoyama

■Artist Profile
Sayaka Akiyama
He was born in Hyogo Prefecture and lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from the master’s course at the Graduate School of Art and Design, Joshibi University of Art and Design in 2001. Major exhibitions are “Saitama Triennale 2016” (Saitama-shi), “2015 Nissan Art Award” (BankART Studio NYK, Yokohama), “Waiting for the first train” (Tokyo Station Gallery, 2012), “Berlin – Tokyo” (Berlin National Museum, 2006), “art-life vol.1 Sayaka Akiyama/MOTOKO Exhibition speed & amp; slow” (Spiral Garden, Tokyo, 2003), “The J-WAY” (Lydmar Hotel, Stockholm and Sweden, 2000), etc. Major collections include Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Contemporary Art, Sandlett Les Baudengo Foundation Museum of Art “2015 Nissan Art Award”, etc.

Attn: Business Solutions Oi





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