審査員を務めたのは、O JUN(美術家、東京藝術大学教授)、三潴末雄(ミヅマアートギャラリー代表)、岩渕貞哉(『美術手帖』編集長)です。 また、2019年2月15日(金)~ 21日(木)ではターナーギャラリー(東京)で入選・入賞作品展も行われ、計52点の作品が展示されました。
担当:ビジネス・ソリューション 田尾・高橋
An art publisher supported the planning and public relations of “acrylic gash biennale”, a public collection exhibition of works using acrylic paints, which was held for the second time.
Acrylic Gush Biennale is a public exhibition for young artists sponsored by Turner Color Co., Ltd. since 2016.
The “Acrylic Gush Biennale,” which was held for the second time in 2018, is open not only in Japan but also overseas, and we have received applications from a variety of people regardless of their age and experience.
The judges were O JUN (Artist, Professor of Tokyo University of the Arts), Mizuma Sueo (Representative of Mizuma Art Gallery), and Iwabuchi Sadaya (‘art handbook’ Editor). A total of 52 winning and winning works were exhibited at the Turner Gallery (Tokyo) from Friday, February 15, 2019 to 21.
In this case, the art publisher provided advisory and public relations support in planning and management. We posted the announcement article on the web version of the art news site “art handbook” and the public offering information on the public offering information site specializing in art “Arts competition square”.
Attn: Business Solutions Tao, Takahashi
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